ordinations 2008

Publié le 11 Avril 2008

EWTN to Televise upcoming FSSP Ordinations by Cardinal Hoyos in Lincoln, Nebraska

Lincoln, Nebraska -  In a phone conversation with Father Josef M.  Bisig, FSSP, Rector at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, Una Voce Carmel has confirmed today that EWTN will televise the FSSP ordinations at the Cathedral of the Risen Christ, Lincoln, Nebraska at 10:00 AM on Friday, May 30, 2008.

His Eminence Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, will confer the Priestly ordinations.  His Excellency, Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz will be sitting in choir.   At this time EWTN has not published this information in their TV schedule.    

Please keep the following ordinandi in your prayers as they ascend to the altar of Our Lord:

  • Rev. Mr. Jared  McCambridge, FSSP
  • Rev. Mr. Dennis Gordon, FSSP
  • Rev. Mr. Justin Nolan, FSSP
  • Rev. Mr. Jonathan Romanoski, FSSP

je vous recommande mon ami Ian qui les rejoint probablement à la rentrée prochaine.

una voce.

Rédigé par philippe

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